Well we are actually guessing here but we believe this to be Tracey Jo Ward, a huge fan.We look forward to seeing her again at Foy's in October.
Another unidentified fan gets the "treatment" from the Freaks Inc!
The Little Creeper dons a fireman's hat and considers a part time job, Scaring people away from fire zones.
Then Dr Horrific tries the hat on and immediately has a demalformation complex producing severe influx thought process interruption. (!?)
We believe this to be Steve Jones, a huge fan of Dr Creep and the Freaks Inc.
We have to apologize because we failed to get this fellows name, another huge fan of Dr.Creep and was happy to see the that the Creeppiness is being continued.
Also huge thanks to; Frank Olsen, Mgr of Sbaorro and Gi Gi Johnson from Macy's made donations. Other fans not named or pictured made donations.
Also fan Rob Wilson, made a donation also. If you see your picture and the name is incorrect please log on and correct us. And to everybody who is checking us out, please blog on with us. Stay tuned for the next Donation event, hopefully in June in Miamisburg, details to come soon.
And Foy's In October!