Dusty Roe sporting a real "Bada Bing Tee Shirt was one of the first victims, er I mean generous donaters.
Lisa Thomason knows the Little Creeper well and made a generous donation.
The Little Creeper returns from freaking out the entire Summer Festival.
John Golub of MVCC stopped by and got some video of the happenings.
A Fopinosa (not sure of first name) donated.
Elizabeth Smith seems to take a liking to Little Creeper. And she made a donation too.
Nathan Love and Crystal Cummins made a donation and had the balls to tease Grimsburger with their Ice Cream!
Tonya Moberly poses with Little Creeper while Grimsburger hits her up for a donation.
Judi Hammel and her three beautiful children learn important lessons about growing up in the United States of America. The first is to be generous and give to help others. The second is to watch out for Freaks!
The Fricker's crew stopped by to help out. April Baker (Ref shirt) and Renee Lattimore (blue shirt) not only made donations but provided some candy also!
This Cub Scout was actually brave enough to come over and pose with the Freaks!
Steve Sandlin, a news reporter for MSBG-WC news had to find out what all of the commotion was all about. I bet he's sorry now! Hey and he made a donation too.
The Little Creeper personally thanked these gentlemen for their service to the United States of America. On duty recruiting for the US Army were SFC James Bruce, SFC James Rainwater and SSG Zachary Stockstill.
Chris Howard (OSU shirt) and friend posed and donated.
Britney Ladd seemed pretty happy to pose with the Freaks and made a donation also.
Sarah Frusher smiles while being close to the Freaks and made a donation.
Penny Isaac is a close friend of the Little Creeper, so she is not afraid of him at all.She and her family made a generous donation.
This unidentified lady made a donation as well.
This war veteran did not want to be identified but I snagged his pic whilst the Little Creeper thanked him for his service to this country.
Okay I hope this correct, but I believe this to be David Radcliff and Terry Blessing. So much for taking notes... They made a donation as well.
Kayden is taught the important lesson of giving also by his generous mother. But he looks a bit scared while posing with Little Creeper.
Blaze the Buffalo stopped by!
and the Fricker's Chicken too!
Mark Richardson and son donate and dare to get close enough to pose as well.
Zach is a pretty nice guy to donate like he did!
I heard that Jennifer came all the way from the UK just to get freaked out with us!
Donnie Moberly and his son Tyler donated and seems quite comfortable posing with Little Creeper.
Nehemiah James helped the cause while Grimsburger gets pretty close. Watch Out man!
This is Peg Rinaldi the coordinator for the West Carrollton Summer Festival. Special thanks to her and she even invited us back next year. Looking forward to it.
As I said above all of these people made generous donations as well as others who did not wnat to be identified. A Special Thank You to All of You!
Also special thanks to the Little Creepers sister for supplying the canopy for shade and sharing transportation duties. Also, I am very excited that the Little Creeper is doing as well as he is and here is wishing his wife all of the best in her recovery as well.
Signed, Bluddie Knuckles.